Italy > Greece > Paris - Day 6

Happy Birthday, Brian!

On this first day in Venice, we decided just to wander – somewhat aimlessly but in the general direction of the Rialto market – all fish, fruit and vegetables.  Fresh local strawberries (in April already!) were quite delicious as was lunch in a little café/bakery.

Masks were offered for sale everywhere, and the small side-canals were busy with various types of boat and the occasional gondola.  Venice is one expensive city, and when you watch the manual labour involved in making deliveries from small boats, down narrow streets on push carts to shops and restaurants, you gain an appreciation of where the money goes.

Evening found us in the local hospital Emergency getting Thea’s toe checked out.  She had stubbed it in Rome on the shower sill and with increasing pain and swelling we wanted to be sure it was not more serious.  It wasn’t – no fracture, and treat with rest and ice.  It made for an interesting boat ride there and back as well as experiencing very efficient Italian health care.


