South America - Day 12

Sunday - Not the Falkland Islands & at sea

The day dawned bright and sunny with a moderate swell on the ocean but some fairly strong wind.  We sailed to East Falkland and could see the town of Stanley on shore as we dropped anchor some way out (too shallow to get any closer).  After a while came the announcement that the winds were too strong, and forecast to get even stronger later in the day, for passengers to get on and off the tenders safely.  So no-one was going ashore in Stanley.

This was a double disappointment since we would miss our trip to the Bluff Cove penguin colony, and we would not be able to find the family home of Helen’s husband Graham, whose father left the Falklands to fight in WWII.  We had hoped to send them pictures of the place.

So now we are at sea with major swells and near hurricane-force winds as we make our way to Buenos Aires – due there on Wednesday morning.  This will be our first time of having four consecutive days at sea.

Oh well, there is surf & turf on the dinner menu tonight.

Today’s photos are of the Falklands as seen from the ship, and of the seas from the deck.


